Uzair Mansuri


Let me take a wild guess…

You're here because you want to know how much it costs to develop software and which pricing model is best for your project.

software development pricing main

Whether you’re a startup, a business owner, or an entrepreneur, understanding software development pricing models beforehand can save you a lot of time, money, and headaches.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of various factors that can impact your software development cost.

This generally includes the scope of the project, the features' complexity, the development team's experience level, potential obstacles or integration challenges, and more.

And god forbid if you choose the wrong software development pricing model, your project could wind up over budget, past the deadline, or get abandoned altogether.

But don’t worry; Because in this article, we’ve explained:

  • Different pricing models — Fixed-price, time and materials, dedicated team, etc.
  • Key factors that affect costs — Complexity, timeline, and team location.
  • How to choose the right model — Tips for making the best decision for your project.

This will help you identify the right software development pricing model for your next project.

Overview of Software Development Pricing Models

Software development pricing models are systems that specify how a client is charged for the development of a software project.

They vary a great deal depending on the project scope, time, complexity, and terms and conditions of both parties in the contract.

The choice of the right pricing model ensures you can effectively manage risks, remain within budget, and gain quality and functionality as intended. Additionally, being clear on the ideal pricing model upfront also helps set the quality expectations between clients and the development team and fosters a collaborative working relationship.

In fact, software development outsourcing is becoming more and more popular not only because of its benefits but also because of important reasons such as cost savings, an international talent pool, and focusing on core businesses.

Research also shows that the cost to develop a software worldwide is forecasted to reach $812.70 Billion by the year 2029 with most corporations leveraging different pricing models based on their particular needs and requirements for projects.

What affects software development product pricing

There isn't an all-one-fits concept when it comes to software development outsourcing pricing.

The cost of software development can dramatically differ in terms of a vast number of factors.

This is the very reason why clients have to understand these factors.

When you understand different software development pricing models clearly, both you and the software development company can set realistic expectations and ensure that the product is cost-effective.

So, let's discuss the most influential factors in software development product pricing.

Scope and Complexity of the Project

Sometimes, the scope and the complexity of software projects are responsible for some of the most critical aspects that would determine their cost.

As a thumb rule, a large yet more complicated project, with many features and functionalities, will, of course, take much more resources, time, and effort. — As a result, the price will be higher.

In contrast, a small, simpler project with a smaller quantity of its components can be developed with fewer investments and, consequently, the price will be lower.

Technology Stack

The technology stack refers to a group of programming languages, frameworks, databases, and other tools used throughout the project.

Like it or not, your technology stack can greatly affect the cost because some technologies are much more expensive to develop than others. Some may have complex licensing fees, or they can require highly experienced professionals whose rates are really high.

The integration of many technologies can additionally grow your development time and cost.

Development Time

Time in the software development industry is largely measured in terms of money.

The more the project takes to complete, the higher the expenses will be, as resources and labor have to be committed for a longer period of time.

In other words, such aspects as the complexity of your project, team experience, and some unforeseen misfortunes may affect the length of time taken in development and hence increase the overall cost.

Team Expertise

The competence and experience of the software development team are another important factor that affects the cost of software development.

Well-qualified and skillful professionals are more expensive mainly because they will be able to do their jobs with high-quality results in a timely manner.

However, you should remember that a qualified and skillful team will actually save you money in the long term due to the elimination of errors and the need for rework.

Location and Labor Costs

The geographical location is another influencing factor on the pricing of the software product development.

For example, a software development company in London would charge somewhat more than companies from lower-cost regions.

Fortunately, outsourcing to an offshore software development company can certainly bring cost-effective benefits to some projects.

Quality and Compliance Requirements

The overall quality and compliance requirements in a software development project may add up to the cost of the project.

The development and test activities, testing reviews, and documentation are the typical activities that might be involved. More specialized support and expertise are needed during development and this increases development time and hence the cost.

Integration with Other Systems

If such integration is needed with other in-house or third-party-licensed systems or applications, this may require extra development.

This could include a provision of custom interfaces, adapters, or APIs that can serve to make the project more complex and hence more expensive.

Support and Maintenance

Software development best practices do not stop at the deployment stage.

On the contrary, software development requires ongoing support, bug fixing, and software maintenance to make it run properly and meet the current business requirements over time.

Such ongoing costs should be part of the overall pricing, particularly for long-term projects.

Market Demand and Competitiveness

The demand for the software product in the market and the competitiveness in the sector can drive the pricing.

In such situations, a software development company may take advantage of high demand and few competitors to command the price.

If the case is reversed, say a saturated market with many competitors, then there might be a need to keep the price competitive to get the customer on board.

Customization and Scalability

There are some software projects where the level of customization of the software solution has to be very high—that is, to meet the needs of the business or cater to scaling up in the future.

Rather, it will be more expensive where the projects are complicated in adding custom features to ensure scalability.

It will be expensive in the sense that the software developers will invest much time and more resources in ensuring that the software fully fits the needs and business of the client.

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Custom Software Development as a Service (SDaaS) Subscription Approach

SDaaS, or software development as a service, is a business model in which consumers or businesses pay a regular fee to have delivery of custom software development and frequent upgrades in return.

This software model is flexible and can easily accommodate changing business needs. In simpler words, SDaaS is more of a lasting collaborative partnership with assurance to the client that his software is up-to-date and still relevant to his ever-changing business needs.

How the Subscription Model Works in Software Development?

SDaaS works on a software subscription model like many other forms of consumer services that you have probably already such as streaming services, SaaS, and so on.

In this model, you are invoiced through periodic billing—usually on a monthly or annual basis—to obtain a dedicated team of software developers, project managers, and other related professionals to work on your software development requirements.

This kind of business model allows you, the business, continued benefits of software development and updating, things for which you won't need to make substantial initial investments or be bothered with the management of a software development team within the business.

From requirements gathering and designing to coding, testing, and deployment, the software development services provider under this business model takes care of everything.

Benefits of the SDaaS Pricing Model

There are three main benefits of the SDaaS pricing model.

  • Flexibility — Easily adjust the scope and scale of the project based on evolving requirements.
  • Cost Predictability — Fixed monthly fees help in budgeting and financial planning.
  • Continuous Improvement — Thanks to continuous updates and improvements, the software remains current and competitive.

Typical Services Included in SDaaS Subscriptions

SDaaS subscriptions typically include a comprehensive range of services to support the entire software development lifecycle.

Some common services offered as part of an SDaaS subscription include:

  • Requirements gathering and analysis
  • Software design and architecture
  • Coding and development
  • Testing and quality assurance
  • Deployment and integration
  • Maintenance and support
  • Performance monitoring and optimization
  • Security updates and patches
  • User training and documentation
  • Ongoing enhancements and feature additions

In short, the subscription-based model of SDaaS is a great way to offer businesses software that can be continuously resourced and developed.

So, we highly recommend partnering with a single software development company that is capable of handling your needs the correct way.

This will leave you all the time needed to run your day-to-day operations without needing to worry about whether or not your software is being kept up-to-date and it continues to be aligned by improving efficiency in thoughtful ways.

Fixed-Price Model

A fixed-price model is a common software development approach in which the client and the software development outsourcing partner agree on the project cost before starting work.

At a fixed price (also called project-based), the client and development team agree on a predetermined sum for an entire project, no matter how much time or resources it ultimately requires to finish. This price is predetermined, and it includes the scope of everything defined in this project, as well as any associated requirements or deliverables.

Usually, the whole process is initiated with the writing of a detailed project specification; this involves every small detail, from what the client needs and the functionalities needed to the specification of the design and other important parts of the project.

When all the details are finalized, the development team estimates what it will take in time and money to complete the project. When the price is agreed upon, a contract is signed promptly, locking the cost and terms.

When to Use the Fixed-Price Model (Suitable Project Types)

The fixed-price model is not suitable for every project.

It works best in specific scenarios where the project requirements are clear, well-defined, and unlikely to change significantly during the development process.

Here are some situations where the fixed-price model shines:

  • Well-Defined Projects — If the project has clear requirements and a well-documented scope, the fixed-price model is ideal. This includes projects where the functionalities, user interfaces, and performance criteria are all established upfront.
  • Small to Medium-Sized Projects — Small to medium projects: Fixed contracts work very well with small and medium projects where the identified work isn't very complex and can be delivered within a predictable period. Such projects are also not likely to cause extensive changes that would impede terms and result in losses.
  • Budget-Constrained Projects — Budget-constrained clients would easily be able to plan and maintain costs in control with a fixed budget. You, as a client, will know the exact figure that is required to be invested, and it goes a long way toward helping in the planning of financing to avoid surprises along the way.
  • Projects with a Definite Deadline — At times, when the projects are time-bound, for example, the launch of a new product in the market, a fixed-price contract helps in completing the project within the set period at a stipulated price. Furthermore, the fixed price motivates the development team to deliver promptly.
  • Low Complexity Projects — Projects with low complexity and fewer variables are better suited for fixed-price contracts. Complex projects with many unknowns and potential changes are harder to manage under this model.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The fixed-price model has its share of pros and cons, and this has to be considered before you actually decide to go down this road.

  • Clear Cost Upfront - This is one of the biggest benefits, in this case, where the client and the development team know from the very beginning how much the project is going to cost. This allows you to budget and plan your finances much easier.
  • Motivates On-Time Delivery - Since the development team is paid a fixed fee, they are incentivized to complete the project efficiently and on schedule. Any delays could eat into their profits.
  • Reduced Risks for Client - Because the costs are locked in, the client doesn't have to worry about escalating expenses if the project runs over the expected timeline. The financial risk is transferred to the development team.
  • Rigid Project Scope - Fixed-price projects have a very strict and inflexible scope outlined upfront. Any changes or additional features requested later will typically result in extra charges.
  • Quality Concerns - To preserve their profit margin, some vendors may cut corners or take shortcuts that could compromise the quality of the end product.
  • Inaccurate Estimates- When the project scope and estimates are unrealistic and inaccurate, it forces the development teams to absorb huge losses just for the completion of the project, agreed upon in the beginning.

In other words, a fixed price does the best when the requirements and scope of a project are very well defined. It provides financial predictability but less flexibility offered by other pricing models like the time and materials model.

Risk Management in Fixed-Price Contracts

Effective risk management is very important in the context of fixed-price contracts for the benefit of both the client and the development team.

Some of the strategies on how risks of fixed-price projects can be managed are:

Thorough Requirements Gathering — Invest adequate time in the initial phase to gather and document each and every requirement. This process should be meticulous and can be obtained through the help of interviews, workshops, and prototypes.

Realistic Estimations — Ensure the cost and time estimates are realistic by taking into account any risks or uncertainty that could cause underestimation of the work involved. The resources for developing realistic estimates include historical information and expert judgment.

Contingency Planning — Make contingency plans for possible problems that might arise. A part of the budget should ideally be kept aside as headroom to take good care in the event of any unforeseen challenges arising while the project is ongoing.

Regular Communication — Communication is very important between the development team and the client. Schedule regular updates on progress to keep everybody aligned, and any issues should be addressed promptly.

Clear Contract Terms — The scope, deliverables, timeline, and terms of payment should clearly define what the contract entails. Also, how change requests will be managed and how costs will be contained so that additional costs can be avoided.

Incremental Delivery — Every project has to be broken down into smaller, manageable phases or milestones. It is a method of project delivery that assures one of detecting issues early enough and ensuring that the project is on the right course.

Quality Assurance — Implementation of rigorous quality assurance processes to ensure that the developed deliverables meet the standards of quality agreed upon. Regular testing and reviews will help identify and fix issues in a timely manner.

Post-Delivery Support — Ensure a post-delivery support clause in the agreement. This manages any small hitches or touch-ups that may crop up after the project is fully done without making the client incur extra costs.

In other words, the fixed-price model offers a formula for predictability and well-structured manners for software development, not just to the clients but also to the development teams.

Time and Material Pricing Model

The time and material (T&M) pricing model within software development belongs to a flexibly approached project, where a client pays for actually spent time and resources.

In contrast to a fixed-price model, wherein the cost is agreed upon in advance, charges are made on the basis of the number of hours worked by the development team and the materials used.

This model is particularly applicable to projects that are likely to change or evolve in the course of their development.

The T&M model begins with a rough budget as opposed to a fixed one. A client and a software development outsourcing partner come to an agreement on how much time costs for team members will be, as well as for other materials or tools.

Over time, as the work is done on a project, a client continues to receive updates and is billed for the actual time and cost of resources applied to the project.

Advantages of Flexibility and Scalability

The time and material model offers several advantages, primarily due to its inherent flexibility and scalability.

Below are just some of the many major benefits:

  • Adaptability to Changes — One of the greatest advantages of the T&M model is its adaptability toward changing requirements. Along with the progress of a project, new features could be included or present ones could be changed without major changes in the contract. This is of particular help for innovative projects in which the needs of clients and market conditions might change very fast.
  • Client Involvement — Active client involvement in the process can drive right from development to delivery using a transparent T&M model. Clients can give their feedback during the project or even make the decisions to ensure so.
  • Scalability — T&M models are relatively easy to scale in either direction of the scope of a project, be it increasing resources or time. On the other hand, a reduction in the scope probably covers the same ease of re-negotiation.
  • Transparency — This method is quite transparent because it is calculated in a pay-per-hour process. The clients know exactly what they are paying for. Customers can usually detect where their money is going and observe how much time exactly is taken by the team to fulfill the project task. This, in a way, is a trust-building factor between the client and the development team.

Situations Where Time and Material Model is Ideal

The time and material pricing model is not suitable for every project. However, it is particularly effective in certain scenarios.

Here are several situations in which the T&M model fits best:

Projects with Unclear Requirements — T&M is flexible enough for such cases when the project requirements are not perfectly clear at the onset or are likely to change. This is very common in research and development projects and in developing new and innovative products.

Long-Term Projects — In a long-term project where the volume of work changes, either due to business needs or market conditions, the model of T&M allows adjustments without changing the contract.

Complex Projects — Projects involving complex integration, new technology, or fundamental customization will likely benefit from the time and material pricing model. That is when it becomes important to build in flexibility to be able to adapt and fine-tune the product with new opportunities and hurdles.

Iterative Development — Agile and iterative development models, such as Scrum, fit in very well with the T&M model. These methods deliver tiny, incremental changes and then adapt following feedback, corresponding very well with the flexible game of T&M pricing.

Exploratory Projects — Large projects with a lot of exploration, like proofs of concepts or prototypes, are possible and let the T&M model support developers in finding all other ways of doing things without being restricted to a fixed budget.

Challenges and Risk Considerations

While the Time and Materials model offers flexibility, it also comes with risks that clients need to be aware of.

Since there's no final fixed cost, projects can potentially escalate beyond initial budgets if not managed carefully.

Clients need to have a high degree of trust that their software development partner won't unnecessarily inflate hours or recommend superfluous materials. Clear approval processes and budget checkpoints are critical to prevent rollovers.

The model also requires more hands-on involvement from clients to prioritize requirements, review progress, and ensure work remains on track. This additional oversight burden is something teams need to be prepared for.

Overall, the Time and Materials pricing approach gives clients maximum agility for evolving software projects.

Milestone Pricing Model

The milestone pricing model is a method of work used in software development, in which a project is broken down into some parts called milestones. Each milestone has some well-defined deliverables and the corresponding payment.

Clients do not pay the full amount before or on a time and material basis for the entire project, but after reaching each milestone.

The payment structure of this model is quite balanced with respect to the project work that progresses. Every milestone is equivalent to a major part of the project — completion of a specific module, development stage, or delivery of a certain functionality.

How Milestones are Defined and Used in Billing?

Project milestones are established during the planning phase, clearly mapping out phase gateways with stakeholder input.

For example, initial milestones may include completing requirements, designing architectures, and developing core features. Later stage milestones cover testing, deployment, and going live.

Once the milestone plan is agreed upon, payment amounts are assigned to each milestone marker proportionate to their complexity, risk profile, and overall percentage of work required to reach that point.

The software development partner then bills according to this milestone payment schedule as they successfully pass through each milestone checkpoint.

Benefits of Milestone Payments for Project Management

The milestone pricing model offers several benefits for project management, making it a preferred choice for many software development projects:

  • Improved Cash Flow Management — For clients, milestone payments spread the financial burden over the project's duration, making it easier to manage cash flow. For developers, regular payments improve financial stability and ensure continuous funding for the project.
  • Enhanced Accountability — Tying payments to specific deliverables increases accountability. Both the client and the development team have clear expectations, and progress is easily tracked. This accountability helps in maintaining focus and commitment from both sides.
  • Risk Mitigation — By breaking down the project into various small bits, it actually provides a chance for the problem to be detected early. If an expected milestone is not being met, this can actually be worked on before proceeding to the next level, hence lowering the risk of project failure.
  • Motivation and Morale — Achieving a milestone provides a feeling of accomplishment and motivates the development team. It provides high motivation to the team, raises their morale, and makes the team keep up high standards in quality and productivity.
  • Client Involvement — Regular reviews and approvals ensure that a customer is updated on the status of a project. Such ongoing communication helps bring the project more in line with the vision of the client and readjust the route.

Potential Drawbacks and How to Mitigate Them?

While milestones minimize scope creep through gated payments, sudden requirement changes can still potentially derail milestone plans - requiring tedious renegotiations and adjustments.

This is why it is absolutely necessary to have clear and collaborative change management processes.

Another risk is setting improper milestone markers or payment amounts that don't accurately reflect the complexity of work. Having clear definitions of "done" criteria and thoroughly vetting milestone plans upfront is critical.

Overall, the milestone pricing model provides a balanced approach - giving clients better cost control than open timesheets, while allowing more flexibility than rigid fixed pricing.

Dedicated Team Pricing Model

One of the most popular software development approaches is the dedicated team model, in which a client hires a team that works exclusively on their project.

In this model, a development team is dedicated to a single client. Unlike other models, which allow shared resources from among various clients, a dedicated team focuses solely on the client's needs.

Furthermore, the client has the absolute freedom to choose whom they want to work with, how tasks would be managed, and integrated with their processes.

In other words, the dedicated team is an extension of the client's team, always supporting the development of the product.

How Pricing is Structured in the Dedicated Team Pricing Model?

The pricing structure for the dedicated team model is straightforward.

Customers pay a monthly retainer that includes team compensation and a vendor fee, less administrative costs.

The quoted fee will depend on the size of the team, the level of expertise, and the location of the team members.

That all starts with a full analysis of project requirements. Once the demand has been identified, the vendor proposes a team: developers, designers, QA specialists, and project managers.

The client and vendor then negotiate the monthly rate that will be paid for the full-time the team is on the project.

The monthly fee generally includes:

  • Salaries of team members: This forms the bulk of the cost.
  • Administrative expenses: Expenses related to office space, equipment costs, and other overheads.
  • Vendor’s fee: Admin fee the vendor charges for supplying and managing the team.

Benefits to Long-Term Projects with Variable Scopes

The dedicated team model offers significant benefits, especially for long-term projects with variable scopes:

Flexibility and Scalability — The team can easily scale up and down for the evolving requirements of the project. It is just flexible enough to allow the team to grow with the addition of new skills and roles without long internal hiring processes.

Deep Project Understanding — The team works on projects of a single client, allowing for the same business niche to understand the challenges, project goals, and the complexity of the activities associated with the project. Such continuity helps in high-quality outputs and better alignment with the vision of the client.

Consistent Communication — Open communication and communication at the level of the dedicated team will help develop and maintain strong relationships, ensuring that everyone is always on the same page. This results in better problem-solving as well as decision-making.

Cost Efficiency — As time goes by, the dedicated team is getting more efficient in terms of cost, since the cost of initial onboarding and training is compensated for by increasing productivity and, as a result, is more sporadically monitored.

Comparison with Other Models in Terms of Cost and Resource Allocation

When comparing the dedicated team model to other software development pricing models, there are several key differences, especially in terms of cost and resource allocation:

Fixed-Price Model

  • Cost — Fixed-price projects are generally more predictable in terms of cost but can become expensive if the scope changes significantly.
  • Resource Allocation — Resources are allocated based on the project scope, and any change requires renegotiation, making it less flexible.

Time and Material Model

  • Cost — The client pays on the basis of the actual time and resources spent; this is difficult in costing and estimation, but it is a plus for flexibility if changes to the requirements occur.
  • Resource Allocation — Resources can be altered to fit into the project's needs, even though this might increase the cost of implementing the project if the spending of more time occurs.

Dedicated Team Model

  • Cost — While there is a consistent monthly fee, it can be more cost-effective over the long term, especially for ongoing projects with evolving scopes.
  • Resource Allocation — The dedicated team is fully allocated to the client’s project, ensuring focused and continuous development. The client is at liberty to choose team composition and increased/decreased workload.

In other words, the dedicated team model allows delivering a scalable, flexible, and cost-efficient solution for long-lasting projects, often with a scope that varies now and then.

How to choose the right pricing model for a software development partnership

A proper pricing model is one of the most important criteria for selecting the proper engagement of software development, to achieve a good and effective project result without considerable cost.

Let's explore the key factors that should influence your pricing model selection.

Understand the Project Scope and Requirements

The first step in choosing a pricing model is understanding the project's scope and requirements.

If you have a clear and, maybe, more detailed vision of what you have in mind, it might only be the model for you.

However, a flexible type of pricing model, such as time and material or a dedicated team, would be much more in line if the project is expected to change in scope over time.

These models are change-friendly and provide room for continual refinement of work done as the project unfolds. This is flexibility all much needed in projects of innovation, as ideas and features continue to be added later.

Assess the Level of Uncertainty

Another important aspect is assessing the level of certainty of your project. In high-risk projects, whose outcome is uncertain or where many unknowns exist, flexible pricing models will be more suitable.

For example, in the T&M model, you pay for the work done, so you could easily minimize the risks of your investments by making turns or changes as new information comes to light.

The team-based or dedicated model is workable in this project due to the flexibility in reassigning resources and increasing or decreasing the scope without the need for full re-negotiation.

Determine Project Duration and Complexity

The duration of your project greatly influences the selection of the pricing model.

Fixed price contracts mostly work well with cases where;

  • The project is short term
  • The scope is well defined
  • There is little possibility of change
  • A fixed budget and timeline are realistically achievable.

For long-term projects that might take several months or even years to execute, the model best suited would be the Dedicated Team or T&M model. Such models allow development and continual support with flexibility in changing requirements.

Another factor is the technical complexity of the project. Dedicated teams are best for high-complexity projects that require special skills and innovation on an ongoing basis.

This model ensures that you work with a team of professionals who will dig into technical details while working and thereby deliver quality.

On the other hand, smaller-scale, less complex projects with clear requirements may prefer to use a fixed-price model, since predictability and cost discipline are top priorities.

Consider the Budget and Financial Flexibility

If you have a fixed budget and need to control costs tightly, the fixed-price model is ideal.

This gives you a clear understanding of the actual total cost of a project at the preliminary stage; hence, effective management of your finances can be achieved.

On the other hand, the T&M model or the dedicated team model provides more flexibility. These models can be adapted at any time according to project expenses, which will help you to execute resources efficiently as the project advances.

While this approach may lead to higher costs in the long run, it provides the flexibility needed for dynamic and complex projects.

Analyze Legal and Contractual Limitations

Making legal and contractual considerations is very critical in the choice of pricing model.

Ideally, you want to ensure that you have checked for any existing contractual obligations and make sure that the selected model fits within these.

For instance, fixed-price contracts would need detailed specifications with well-laid-out deliverables, and in the case of T&M contracts, well-defined terms for hourly rates and material costs would be required.

And, in addition to this, you have to consider issues such as compliance and liability problems that may arise. To do this perfectly, you will have to ensure that the pricing model that you wish to choose will support compliance with applicable rules and standards.

Why is it important to choose the right pricing model for custom software development?

Appropriate selection of the pricing model makes a difference in the success of the project because everything is geared towards budget alignment and quality assurance in custom software development cost.

We are now going to get into detail about why you need to select the right pricing model.

Budget Alignment

One of the most critical reasons to choose the right pricing model is to ensure that the project stays within budget.

Different pricing models provide different levels of financial predictability. For instance, the fixed-price sum model embodies a built-in delivered price conducive to regard for planning and costs of future counts.

This is particularly important in companies where the budget is very tight and there is low financial muscle.

Besides, it will help the budget be in line with the model adapted for pricing that optimizes efficient resource allocation.

Risk Management

A proper pricing model helps manage financial risks associated with custom software development.

T&M works best for high-risk projects or for those containing the greatest unknowns. This allows expense to be incremental to the work actually performed and may contain unexpected costs and reduce financial exposure.

Further, the project is always filled with uncertainty and adversities that may, in turn, affect the output of it.

Therefore, flexible pricing and engagement models, such as the dedicated team model, are considered wise.

Even more, it allows the team to adjust to change without much disturbance, therefore relieving much risk of change of scope and technical challenge.

Scope Flexibility

More often than not, custom software development projects undergo radical changes when new needs and opportunities present themselves.

A T&M pricing model or a dedicated team model allows for such project accommodation without renegotiation of the entire contract.

This is essential in case of any change in the requirements of the business and making a final product that matches the vision the client started with.

On the other hand, while flexibility is really important, there should also be something done to control scope creep.

The main reason one sets clear boundaries and expectations is to choose the right pricing model because scopes can easily breed altogether into something unmanageable.

Client-Vendor Relationship

The pricing model impacts mainly the relationship between a client and a vendor.

Transparent and reasonable pricing models build trust and cooperation between both sides.

For instance, in the dedicated team model, regular communication, close collaboration, and partnership ensure the success of the project.

What's more, a good pricing model will cause very clear expectation levels between the client and the vendor, which is important in the context of keeping away misunderstandings and conflicts between all parties regarding what will be delivered and in which timings and costs.

Project Control

The correct pricing model, after all, is the one that gives the needed structure to ensure control over the project.

Milestone-based pricing models keep the project on track with frequent check-ins and reviews. This level of oversight helps keep the project on task and meeting its goals, which are aligned with the goals of the client.

Efficiency and Motivation

Performance can be incentivized in many different ways through various models of pricing.

For instance, in the fixed-price model, the development team is inspired to develop an offered product as cost-efficiently as possible, within the agreed budget and time. The milestone model, in turn, pushes the team to provide quality and innovation, as they are paid for work done.

Quality Assurance

The proper pricing model assures that throughout the entire project life cycle, high-quality standards are upheld.

For example, underpricing models such as milestone-based or dedicated team models, and quality checks at development stages are guaranteed to be carried out at every milestone.

This continual quality assurance process ensures an extremely sturdy and dependable final product.

Quality assurance is not about the standards; it is about improvement. Advanced flexible pricing models in support of an iterative development process allow continuous testing and feedback, which will finally result in the perfection of all the stages.

This process is, in the same way, iterative and makes sure that the final result will be functional and truly optimized for best performance and user satisfaction.


Choosing the best pricing model for a software development project is a critical decision as it will be a determiner of project success.

Each pricing model—whether it is fixed price, time and material, milestone-based, or dedicated team—comes with its own set of advantages and challenges.

This is why you need to identify the scope of your project and evaluate the level of uncertainty; assess complexity and review the budget of your project in order to identify the right pricing model.

Still confused in which pricing model will be best suitable for your project’s success?

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You can handle technical debt by regularly reviewing and improving the code. This means fixing any shortcuts or quick fixes that were done earlier. You focus on solving the most critical issues first and gradually address the less urgent ones. This keeps your project maintainable and scalable over time.

Yes, you can get a detailed cost breakdown for each phase of development. These phases typically include:

  • Planning and Analysis: Costs for gathering requirements and planning the project.
  • Design: Costs for creating wireframes, prototypes, and design documents.
  • Development: Costs for coding, integrating, and testing the product.
  • Deployment: Costs for launching the product and providing initial support.
  • Maintenance: Ongoing costs for updates, bug fixes, and improvements.

You can track progress and efficiency using several key metrics, such as:

  • Velocity: Measures how much work is completed in a sprint.
  • Burn-down/Burn-up Charts: Visualize progress towards your project goals.
  • Cycle Time: Tracks how long it takes to complete a task from start to finish.
  • Code Quality Metrics: Evaluate the maintainability and complexity of your code.y
  • Customer Satisfaction: Gather feedback and satisfaction scores from stakeholders.

For security and compliance, conduct regular security audits to check for and fix vulnerabilities. Additionally, keep your team updated on the latest security threats and compliance requirements through ongoing training and awareness programs.

Uzair Mansuri

CEO and Technology Expert

Uzair Mansuri, the visionary CEO of NNT Digital, is a dynamic leader in software development. With over 10 years of expertise in digital transformation consulting, he specializes in Healthcare, FinTech, Supply Chain, and Logistics.

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